Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Newsletter is Back!

Err, what newsletter, you might ask? Only the lamest, most intermittent bundle of nothingness every to grace our fair hobby! But that is soon to change. With new releases on the horizon the Sorcerer is in a mood to blurt with gusto. So sign up, because when I send the the 'roll over, it's alive!' newsletter with the arrival of A Gathering of the Marked, everyone will get a free goody. (Have to reward the long-suffering souls who signed up ages ago, and waited, and waited some more, never to hear from their sorcerous pal. Nardgrog is ashamed.)

Also if you do sign up, let me know if things go smoothly, as I'm trying out a new service for managing the emails. (If you signed up before, don't worry, I've transfered everyone over.)

Subscribe link to the right ---------------------------------------->


  1. Signed up (via and looks like it went through ok!

  2. Thank you James!
