Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black Friday Weekend Sale

This afternoon I noticed a very nice burst of sales, and couldn't figure out why... turns our there is a 25% off sale at RPGNow, and my stuff is included! So take advantage of great prices on many different DCC titles while the sale lasts. :)

See the deals at RPGNow

You can of course also purchase Purple Sorcerer Adventures at the sale prices through The Purple Sorcerer Store.

Happy News

Hey Crawlers!

A couple happy bits of news to share: first, I'm beginning to recover from the effects of the bell's palsy. I can blink my left eye, and I'm starting to get some movement in both my eyebrow and the left side of my mouth. I'm thrilled that such good signs are appearing less than two weeks after all this weirdness started. :)

Secondly, The Carnival of the Damned has been approved by the Dark Master, and I'll be starting the print proof process this weekend. With luck, the print version and PDF will be available within 2 weeks. (As always, with print items you learn to expect the unexpected, and each round of proofs adds 10-14 days to the process. But I'm feeling lucky!)

Take care everyone.

Friday, November 13, 2015

A bit more quiet I'm afraid...

Earlier in the week, after a morning believing I was experiencing an allergic reaction, I suddenly realized the left side of my face was sagging, and I could no longer close my left eye. After eight hours in the hospital, two MRI's and many additional tests, in the main it seems I've been struck with Bell's Palsy, and as a result, the left half of my face is completely paralyzed: I can't close my eye, expressions are strange, and eating and drinking are a grand adventure. :)

There's no way to know how long this will last. For most, the effects fade within a month, but can reoccur occasionally throughout life. The gentleman across the hall from me in the hospital has dealt with his for 71 years. I'm surrounding by a loving family and an understanding employer, and I'm beginning to adjust just fine. But reading and editing and doing work is challenging. (I picked up an eye patch today, which is a huge help, but using touch-devices is now a bit of a hunting and pecking adventure.)

I'm sure I'll get back in the swing of things shortly, but on top of the other physical challenges I'm dealing with, I imagine progress will be slow. Thanks to everyone for your understanding.

Take care,



Monday, October 19, 2015

All quiet...

I apologize for the silence of late: health issues continue to slow things to a crawl. Using a mouse in particular has been a challenge. Cursed little blighter! ;)

I've switched to a new arthritis med, but these things take a while to get revved up: it will likely be another six weeks before any improvement is expected. For the third time, fingers crossed.

The Carnival of the Damned is just a good days or two away from completion.

As always, thanks to all for your support,

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Recent Tool Updates

Here's a roundup of recent small updates to the DCC Tools:

1) The cover sheet image for the Sorcerer's Grimoire has been 'inverted' so you can print out a cover sheet using much less ink. (And I'm working on adding additional images.)

2) I've added Terry Olson's Tatterdermalion's Tampering super-funky dice methods found in this year's Goodman Games GenCon Guide to the zero and upper level character generator dice-methods, and his 'Emerikol' rolling method to the Mercurial Magic Generator and the Sorcerer's Grimoire. (Which makes it much less likely to roll a 'no mercurial magic' result.)

3) New occupation sources for the character generators include Mark Hunt's Drongo, Zine lists for Black Powder and Black Magic and Crawling Under a Broken Moon, and Andrew Trents Food-Suin list. (Which are now described in the new occupation list description page linked from the character generator pages.)

Happy crawling everyone!


Carnival of the Damned

Just wanted to let everyone know that David Baity's Carnival of the Damned is still amazing! We'd hoped to have things wrapped up by this point, and any and all delays have been directly related to my poor health over the last few months. David's text is complete and edited, there's only a couple pieces of art to polish off, and I'm in the process of creating the first proof to go out to my loyal army of readers.

Thanks to everyone that has expressed excitement over its release, and we hope to have it in your peasant-crushing hands as soon as possible. :)


Sunday, August 2, 2015

Occupation List Descriptions

I've added links from the 0-Level and Upper Level character generators to a new page with descriptions of the various occupation lists that are available. A number of folks have requested this over the years. :) 

Occupation List Descriptions

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Christmas in July Sale

All Purple Sorcerer Adventures are 25% off through July 30th in both the Purple Sorcerer Store, and at RPGNow!

A host of DCC titles from Goodman Games, Purple Duck, Thick Skulls and more are also on sale at RPGNow.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blasted Clerics and their Healing Sorcery!

I'll be going in tomorrow to have surgery to blast away some kidney stones. I'll likely be out of action for a few days and unlikely to reply to any queries during my recovery. :)

Before dropping off the grid, I've added a checkbox on the 0-Level generator so you can create blank versions of any of the 4-character and tourney style options. I've also fixed a few minor irregularities in both the 0-Level Party Generator and the Sorcerer's Grimoire. As always, if you every see anything that doesn't look right, let me know.
Take care everyone.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Updated Character Generators

In in the closing moments of what will surely become known as The Great Kidney Stone Explosion of Mighty Tools 2015, I'm pleased to announce the release of new versions of the Zero and Upper Level Generators with some very cool new features:

Tourney Character Sheets are now integrated into the 0-Level Party Generator

Just select from a growing list of tourney styles in the style/format drop-down, and the generator will create 0-level characters in the '1 serf per page' tourney style. I've done some minor graphic work so all the tourney sheets have been touched up with their own individual flair.

Create Multiple Characters in a single PDF

Yes, you can now create multiple characters in PDF format with a single click! For weary judges looking to assemble a stack of standard 4-character or tourney sheets, you can create up to 50 character sheets at a time. In testing, I believe these 50 page PDF's are actually easier on the server than creating dozens of individual sheets, and a 50 page sheet is scarcely larger than a solo sheet since the background graphic (the main file-size contributor) is embedded a single time for all the sheets. Give it a whirl!

Streamlined code makes it easier to add specialty features

For example, John Carr requested an occupation list that would start each character with zero beginning funds. Previously this would have involved updating codes in lots of different places, but the recent code streamlining simplifies processes like this considerably. It's also much easier to add new occupation/equipment lists: it's basically as easy as dropping the new files onto the server, so expect a number of new lists in the future! :)

Continuing Support

As this Kidney Stone Marathon has gone on, I've been reminded how much I enjoy working on these tools. But it's your support that makes them available to the community, paying for hosting and publishing costs, as well as helping to purchase new devices and tools to both test and develop the utilities.

With no formal pledge drive this year, this will be my final call until 2016: If you feel inclined to support the free tools, any and all donations will be warmly received.

I truly appreciate and thank everyone who has supported, and continues to support, Purple Sorcerer Games!


Thursday, July 16, 2015

New Web Tools

While battling a kidney stone of late, I've hurt a bit too much to sleep, but have had a clear enough head to get in a little coding. So I whipped up web versions of the Mercurial Magic, Demon, and Dragon generators. My pain is your gain! ;)

So here are the newest web tools:

One final reminder
Even though we raised enough last year that I'm not doing an official fund raiser for 2015, if you feel inclined to continue supporting the free tools, any and all donations will be warmly received. Thanks to everyone who continues to support Purple Sorcerer Games.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Happy Happy Fun Fun

If you've tried to contact me in the last stretch without success, I apologize: It's happy fun fun kidney stone time! I deal with small painful stones fairly frequently, but this is shaping up to be a stone of the "please let me die" variety, and outside of writhing in agony I tend to not get much accomplished. ;)

I had a similar stone 4 years ago and it required surgery: we'll find out tomorrow morning after my cat scan if we need to do so again. Until it's resolved things will be quiet in Purple Sorcerer Land. Take care everyone.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Tools Year in Review

Last summer we had a very successful yearly Purple Sorcerer Tools Fundraiser. I can't tell everyone how much I appreciated not having to worry about hosting or app store publishing costs over the last 12 months: my health has impacted the family finances and your kind support truly helped! Thank you.

And despite the challenges, I'm pleased we managed to make some nice progress on the tools front in the last year:

  • Launched the Sorcerer's Grimoire spellbook creation utility (the #1 requested item from last year's donor poll)
  • Added Mercurial Magic to the upcoming Crawler's Companion update (A stand-alone web version of the MM generator will be arriving shortly.)
  • Posted numerous updates to the Character and Tourney Generators. (The Tourney Generator will be receiving its own page so you will be able to easily select from the growing list of tourney style adventures out there.)

It's so gratifying to see sheets from the tools showing up almost every day in pics from DCC events around the world. The 0-Level party generator is quietly counting up every sheet, and at some point in the not too distant future the one-millionth serf will roll off the line, complete with a special Willy Wonka style golden character sheet. :)

Continuing Support

Finally, even though we raised enough last year that I'm not doing an official fund raiser for 2015, if you feel inclined to continue supporting the free tools, any and all donations will be warmly received! Every $350 raised covers an additional year of hosting/store costs, and there's always another development tool/gizmo/subscription to swallow up additional funds. Thanks again to everyone who continues to support Purple Sorcerer Games!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Sorcerer's Grimoire Updates

I've updated the Sorcerer's Grimoire with all of the missing spells I could detect, as well as fixed a bug where cover sheets weren't being added to non-random grimoires.

Check it out: we should be close to pulling the beta tag off the thing. ;)

Sorcerer's Grimoire

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Crawler's Companion version 1.5 Android Beta

For Android users comfortable side-loading their apps and walking on the wild-side, the version 1.5 beta of the Crawler's Companion is now available.

Updates include:

  • Mercurial Magic Generators
  • Online user data access removed, replaced by a simple copy paste system
  • Four new dice colors
  • Numerous bug fixes and graphical glitches resolved
As with all betas, proceed with caution. It should be as stable as previous versions, but updates have been known to erase existing app data like favorite spells and spell caster settings. If this happens to you, let me know. :)

The beta APK can be downloaded on the crawler beta page.

Friday, July 3, 2015

The State of Things

In my pre-arthritis/neuropathy days I usually put in 25-30 hours or so a week working on Purple Sorcerer stuff, spread across the website, adventures, tools, and social media. And I enjoyed every minute of it. Unfortunately, a total of 25-30 hours of solid work in a week is now often a bit of a stretch. ;)

And though my capacity has diminished, my commitments have not. As a result, I've been researching task-management strategies to try and squeeze out as much productivity with the hours/strength I have. My initial evaluation of all outstanding tasks has made it abundantly clear that too many things are stacked up, making it particularly troublesome to deal with emotionally nasty things like the recent blog security problem that popped up out of nowhere. Things I can't effectively manage need to be set aside, so here's my high-altitude view of how things will be changing:


No changes. I'm actually hoping that streamlining other areas will speed up my work here. I've got a nice stream of upcoming titles, and I love publishing new stuff!


I currently have the Purple Sorcerer site, the blog, my Facebook page, my twitter account, a storefront, two store back ends, RPGNow, and my presence on Google+. I'm thinking there just might be something I can streamline in this mix. ;)

The insecure Wordpress blog on my site is gone, moved to Blogger. I'll let you know what else I decide to axe. :)

Web Tools

I don't see many changes here. The generators and Grimoire are easy to update, and I can even do lots of the work from my iPad. I'll probably be a bit slower about adding occupation lists and specialty character sheets, but I've already scheduled time to evaluate what the next tool will be once I'm caught up with all the planned updates for existing tools.

The Crawler's Companion

I've made no secret how deeply I loathe publishing to the Apple App Store: it literally gives me heart-burn, and updating the app in 3 different Android stores and on the web is no small endeavor. I've decided that the next update to the Crawler will be the last to add new features. Of course, the app already has more gizmos than I ever envisioned, and I will keep my eyes open and jump into the breach if a future iOS or Android update breaks the app. But as far as new features go, we're reaching the final stop.

Because the user party/encounter system used the old blog as its authentication system, I'm replacing it with a much simpler copy/paste method that doesn't require any outside data storage/access. Maintaining the database is just too big a cloud to have hanging over me at the moment, and the change will in part future-proof the app as a stand alone tool.

Can you do this...?

I'll continue to be happy to hear everyone's bug reports and ideas about what they'd like to see, but for the foreseeable future my plate is full and most new stuff/requests will have to wait until my current queue is empty.

Summing Up

I wish I had the verve I once had... I really do. I love communicating with everyone, and the interactions I've had wearing my Purple Sorcerer hat have truly eased the burden of this rotten health stretch. But I look forward to moving the crystal ball forward for years to come... only a bit slower and with a slightly more realistic scrying range. ;)

As always, thanks to everyone for your amazing support.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Crawler Data

I've made the difficult decision that the current method of accessing user party and encounter data will not be coming back. My health has limited my productive 'extra hours', and the worries of maintaining a database of 3rd party data that needs to be up 24/7 is a bit too much at this point. I'll be making updates to the Crawler and site to revert to a simple copy/paste method of letting folks streamline their encounters.

I'm bummed because building the current system required many, many hours, and I'm sad to see it go. But reality bites. :)

I'll provide more details about the new method as it develops.

As always, thanks to everyone for your support.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Crawler User Party/Encounter Data Not Available

Unfortunately, because of the Wordpress database issues I had last night, I've had to shut down all DB access on my server. Outside of the news, most folks won't notice a difference, save for the plucky few who are using the user party/encounter data in the Crawler's Companion. I'm so sorry such data is currently not available, and I'm not sure when that functionality will be restored. :(

Strange Goings-On

I was unable to sleep this evening, which sucks, but it did allow me to do some timely browsing: while visiting the Sorcerer Speaks I was greeted by a flurry of strange pop-ups in iOS when I clicked on the links in the right hand column: apparently good old Wordpress was hacked. (Despite having the newest version installed...)

So I've spent the last 3 hours basically rebuilding the blog up from scratch, which seems to have taken care of the problem. I'm finally off to bed, but if you notice any continuing strangeness, let me know!

I'm just not up to this sort of crap anymore. ;)

Monday, June 15, 2015

News and Notes

Things have been quiet of late as I've struggled through a particularly bad health stretch. But things are still moving forward:


Added a Black Powder/Black Magic occupation list to the 0-level party generator. (Nathan Panke formatted the list: Stormlord Publishing always does cool stuff, and their Zine Vault Kickstarter is in it's last days!)

Noah Marshall pointed out that the 'same as cleric' wizard spells were missing from the Sorcerer's Grimoire, and this led me to discover a few more that hadn't been included since they didn't originally make sense to include in the Crawler's Companion. (I used the data from the Crawler as the foundation for the Grimoire spell list.) So 11 new spells have been formatted, and I'll be adding them to the Grimoire in the next day or two.

I've had the latest Crawler's Companion update almost ready to go for months now, but have been too busy or ill to whip up the energy to do the app store publishing tango. Soon... soon. (I'm contemplating paring the app stores down to Apple and Google Play. Anyone still using the Nook store or Amazon App store instead of just side-loading?)


The priority is still completing The Carnival of the Damned. David had a great time at NTRPG, and we're adding a few refinements from his playtest experiences. It's gonna be awesome.

As soon as The Carnival has departed, I'll complete Against the Vortex Temple. The art and design are finished, I just need to polish off the text. I'd hoped to make more progress by this point, but it seems my creative writing is impacted by my health more than anything else. We'll get there!

Once these two are in the bag I'll likely have another fun announcment to make!

Thanks to everyone for your continuing kind words and support.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Adventure Updates

We're making excellent progress on The Carnival of the Damned! David has created an extraordinary amount of useful content, but with great word count comes great responsibility, and the sheer volume of text has required me to keep my editing nose to the grindstone. Happily, the major initial editing pass is now complete.

Now that I've poured over every word, I'm more convinced than ever that judges will find it a useful toolbox of ideas for their campaigns. Yes, there's enough content for days of tournament play, but it's trivial to carve out your favorite bits to fill whatever time window you have available. David's final task is to compile tips and tricks for utilizing the adventure in a variety of circumstance: knowledge that could only be picked up on gritty battlefields like GaryCon and DragonCon. I think judges will find the information very useful.

Finally, David has just signed up to run The Carnival at GenCon under the Purple Sorcerer banner! Now I'll have another reason to be depressed while watching all the fun in my Google+ stream. He hopes to see as many of you there as possible: the goal is to have print copies available at the event.

One reason I'm excited to get The Carnival of the Damned into the proofing and printing stage is that I'm itching to complete Against the Vortex Temple. The graphics, cover, and page designs are all complete; all that remains is to finish writing the darn thing! All my recent editing has fired me up to get back to writing myself. I have a good feeling that things will come together quickly.

I'm looking forward to an exciting summer!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Everyone Needs a Little Smile Now And Then...

I'm thrilled to announce that Purple Sorcerer Games will be publishing David Baity's twisted The Carnival of the Damned, a Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure designed for both 'next serf up' tournament style play and as a traditional 0-level funnel!

Carnival of the DamnedPlayers who have experienced the adventure at conventions like GaryCon and DragonCon know it's packed with surreal horrors: characters find themselves trapped in a mist-shrouded carnival in the dead of night, tasked to rescue scores of village children who vanished after returning home from a magical day at a seemingly innocent carnival. Nightmares come to life as players move deeper into a mad environment ruled by a dark power, struggling to survive corrupted versions of carnival oddities like the Hall of Mirrors and Tunnel of Love.

For judges, the adventure can fill many needs: David has crafted over 30 intricately detailed encounters and dozens of random threats. There is enough content for days of tournament play, or judges can select a smaller collection of favorite dangers for a quick funnel session. For sandbox-style play, judges have the option of extracting individual encounters whenever a twisted challenge is needed. There's even a haunting backstory for those looking to integrate the adventure into an extended campaign. 

Illustrated with a host of creepy images from artists Todd McGowan, Danny Prescott, Stan Reed, and Simon Todd, the 96+ page digest-sized adventure has entered layout and final editing and should be available in print and PDF this summer. I think you'll love it!

And there's clowns. Lots and lots of clowns.

(You can learn more about the adventure, David, and tournament style play by listening to the latest episode of the awesome Spellburn Podcast.)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

It is finished... least the images and maps for Against the Vortex Temple. I love the sepia look on the maps but will be reverting to b/w to match the print version: I'm not that gassed about maintaining different sets of images for screen and print. :)

Now off to finish the text: setting phasers on maximum creepy. Barring craziness with work/health I hope to be playtesting in 2-3 weeks.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


I'd guess my most persistent role-playing-related passion has been mapping. Even during the years when I lacked an active group I would happily crank out maps, some of them massive affairs on 17x22 paper. I've spent endless hours trying out new techniques on paper and the computer... and never got tired of the process.

But I think I might have just completed my last elaborate map. I had finished a simple top-down city map for my next adventure, but it just didn't look right, so I embarked on something more demanding. But detailed maps require countless strokes, and about halfway through I realized (yet again) that's something I just can't do anymore. There are still a million details I want to add but the will required to do so has long fled the scene. I think my hands are going to ache for a week just getting this far!

I'm sure I'll figure out something artsy for future efforts to try and paper over the lack of pen strokes, but as with noodling on the guitar for hours on end, I will miss sorely my happy hours fashioning maps.

But I do have a cool mental image for the dungeon map... and I'm sure after a couple days rest I'll feel much better...

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Against the Vortex Temple Art

Having a pretty good time whipping out some interior pics for the next adventure. It's so much more pleasant when I finally land on a vibe that I like and can produce relatively quickly: I'm just not a patient drawer. ;)

Here are some sample pics... the feel is somewhat different than most things I've done before, which has been fun.

Against the Vortex Temple Pics

Monday, March 23, 2015

Against the Vortex Temple

It seems I've been working on my upcoming adventure Against the Vortex Temple for just about forever. (Looking back on very old posts, at one point I mentioned I wanted to have it ready for the DCC launch in 2012... HA!)

The primary hold-up has of course been health stuff and competing projects, but also frequent stops and starts as I searched for the right feel, which triggered reorganizations of the premise, structure and encounters. Since the completion of the Sunken City Omnibus, I've felt an even stronger desire to do something a bit different than what I've done before.

Happily, over the last couple weeks it seems at long last I've settled into a groove that works. Progress has picked up remarkably, and I'm hopeful the end is in sight. :)

The format is b/w 6x9 digest, which for a variety of reasons is easier on my hands (my biggest physical barrier), saves me the trouble of creating separate mobile versions, and provides the least expensive print options. (Plus laying out and prepping Nebin Pendlebrook for print was an absolute joy compared to the full-color, letter-sized Sunken City Omnibus!)

Description: Against the Vortex Temple is a DCC adventure designed for 1st level adventurers, containing both city and dungeon sections. The city portion consists of a number of concise encounters that can occur in any order, along with a selection of random tables that can be used to add spice and provide clues about the dungeon portion.

The meat of the adventure is the dungeon portion, which will contain notes on how to run it without the city lead up to make it usable for demo and convention play

The goal is to make the whole thing as creepy as hell.

If you're interested, you can read the new introduction to the adventure.

If my health and lucky streak hold out it should be finished in the next 4-6 weeks.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Three Years as a Sorcerer

It's hard to believe that it's been almost three years since I got word that the DCC rulebook had been sent to the printers, and as a 3rd Party Publisher I could begin the long nervous wait for things to 'go live'. I remember the sheer terror of clicking  'submit' on May 22 to publish my first adventure Perils of the Sunken City at RPGNow. Would anyone buy it? Would anyone like it?

I recall feeling overwhelmed as I watched the adventure relentlessly climb the top seller chart until it rested at number one for almost a week. Obviously, being one of the only available adventures for a hot new system accounted for the sales bubble, but it still felt great. After 30 years of daydreaming about being a game writer, I was actually doing it.

So much has happened between then and now that those early days seem shrouded in mist. On reflection, I'm happy that after all this time I still love the system, but happier still is that I've been able to meet (and continue to meet) so many awesome folks in the community. Being able to intereact with all you is a privilege, and the reason I continue doing this stuff.

All this nostalgia has inspired me to dig into the logs, and do some analysis of sales/traffic over the years. Here are some interesting Purple Sorcerer Facts from our first three years:

  • The character generators are still churning out about 500 new characters every day, day in, day out. (I've pretty much lost track, but I think we're beginning to creep close to 1,000,000 characters created.)

  • The new Sorcerer's Grimoire has already spit out over 1400 spell books in the first three weeks of the beta. 

  • The Crawler's Companion is currently installed on about 5000 devices.

Thanks to you, every title has achieved some type of popular metal status at RPGNow:
  • Perils of the Sunken City is now Electrum (top ~1% all time)

  • The Sunken City Omnibus, The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk, and Nebin Pendlebrook's Perilous Pantry are Silver (top ~6%)

  • A Gathering of the Marked and Lair of the Mist Men are both Copper (top ~10%)

  • The Sunken City Omnibus just passed Perils of the Sunken City as our most profitable title. Thanks to everyone who has picked up a copy!
I'm also happy that I've managed to give away over 800 adventures to spread the DCC love, many as convention prizes and as free gifts to active military personel.

Again, thanks to everyone who has supported Purple Sorcerer Games. These first three years have been a real joy, and I hope to fill our fourth year with exciting new adventures and tools!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Perils of the Sunken City at RPGNow

In addition to being on sale for just $.99 for the next day, I've updated the download bundle of Perils of the Sunken City with new updated color and mobile versions

All existing customers should be able to download the latest files from their RPGNow accounts.

Patrons added to Sorcerer's Grimoire Beta

OK, patrons have been added to the Sorcerer's Grimoire beta. (Thanks again to j. rodman for his super work helping me get the data ready.)

When you select a patron, the script will automatically select Patron Bond and the appropriate Invoke Patron spell, as well as add a page describing the patron along with its Patron Taint and Spellburn details.

We are working on adding more patrons from a variety of sources. For now, give it a spin, and as always, let me know if you notice anything strange. :)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Crawer's Companion Beta Testing

It's been a while, but I've just posted updated Beta versions of the Crawler to the Beta Page.

If you're an Android user, just download the the apk using the instructions on the beta page.

iOS users will need to download and install the latest mobile provisioning file along with the new ipa file.

(If you're interested in beta testing for iOS, follow the instructions on the beta page. There are a few slots available. I'll be sending out an email to all existing testers to see if we can clean out the list a bit for next year.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

GM's Day Sale

Through sheer laziness, I forgot to sign up for the GM Day sale at RPGNow

Seeing all my DCC publishing chums taking part filled me with shame, so I just marked everything down 30%. And since March 9 is my birthday, I've also marked down Perils of the Sunken City to 99 cents!

All sorts of great stuff on sale from Goodman Games, Purple Duck, Thick Skulls and more. And don't forget the amazing variety of zines. I have pretty much all of the them and they're packed with useful material. 

The sale ends March 9.

(And of course, all the prices have also been reduced in the Purple Sorcerer Store.)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Note for folks running the Crawler's Companion on an iPad 1

Apple has made changes of late that require apps published to the app store to support 64 bit magical whimsy. Apps that are currently in the store (like the Crawler) have a small window where non 64-bit updates will be accepted, but that will be closing soon.

Unfortunately, when I update the Crawler with a new SDK to support 64 bits, all versions from that point on will no longer support iPad 1's. Version 1.4 will be published in the coming weeks using an older SDK, and will likely be the last version of the Crawler to support iPad 1's: future versions will be incompatible and invisible to iPad 1's when you visit the app store.

You should still be able to install and run version 1.4 'forever' on your iPad 1 by accessing your 'Purchased' tab in the App Store. (If I understand the madness of Apple correctly.) So if you haven't purchased the free app yet on your iPad 1, do so quickly, as I believe it will (maybe, perhaps, who knows?) be invisible to you once we go 64 bit.

Version 1.4 runs fine on an iPad 1, and represents the cleanest, most feature rich build so far, so at least we'll be sailing away on a high point. Regardless of my explanation, my daughter, who uses the iPad 1, is displeased she won't see future updates. Conversely, she was also unaware that the Crawler was in the app store and used by thousands of folks outside the family, which scored me some cool-Daddy points. :)

If you have an iPad 2 or later, or a supported Android device, you will not be effected, and future 64 bit versions of the Crawler should appear and work as usual. (Already tested on our creakiest test device: the original Droid phone.)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sorcerer's Grimoire

Argh! The utilities I create always seem to require much more time fixing all the fiddly bits than in implement the major functionality in the first place. But I'm happy to announce that the Sorcerer's Grimoire is available for testing! 

During last year's pledge drive to help support the free Purple Sorcerer Tools, folks voted on which tools they'd like to see me work on in the coming year, and the Sorcerer's Grimoire was the clear favorite. The Grimoire creates dynamic DCCRPG spellbook PDF's for you to print out, adjusting text size and spacing on the fly so that every spell fits on a single page. You can choose the spells yourself, or have the tool randomly select spells based on your caster's level and appropriate stat. You can do the same with Mercurial Magic, or have the script ignore MM altogether

Many design decisions have been made to conserve space since the number one goal of the project was to keep each individual spell on a single page. I played with lots of fancy layouts, but eventually ended up with a simple look to obey this prime directive. Physics dictates that really wordy spells require pretty small fonts, but hopefully folks will still find them readable.  :)

If you notice any strangeness let me know: particularly spell results that run on past the available space. 

As many of you know, I've struggled with health issues of late, but my trusty iPad allowed me to keep working during the worst stretches. (This is the first project I've completed from beginning to end using my tablet and beloved bluetooth keyboard.) 

I am a bit beat pushing this out the door, so I might be a while before I update things, but Patrons are on the way, including patron-specific Invoke Patron results and spells.

As always, thanks to the amazing folks at Goodman Games who support community tools like the Grimoire.

Take care everyone.  I hope you find the Sorcerer's Grimoire useful!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sorcerer's Grimoire

Happily I've made major progress on the new PDF spellbook creation utility. I've continued to refine my iPad workspace (which is easier on me physically) to the point that I've done all the Grimoire programming on it. I'm most pleased. :)

The individual spell page creation code is complete: involving lots of fiddling to dynamically adjust text sizes/spacing to allow each spell to be printed on a single sheet. I've also completed the Mercurial Magic code so that you can have it rolled automatically for each spell.

I'm now building the forms so you can choose whether to create a random spell book based on level, or select individual spells/mercurial magic for an existing caster. After that I'll just need to complete the random generation code, and we'll be good to go! If I can continue the pace I'm on, we'll hopefully be up and running in a week or two.

Friday, January 23, 2015

State of the Sorcerer 2015

Health issues continue to bedevil the Sorcerer, and unfortunately things have gotten progressively worse over the last year. I'm excited about some new approaches we'll be taking medically, but I'll be going through a few months of testing before really kicking thinks off with my specialist.

I have many things that are slooooooowly simmering in the fire, so expect a burst of activity when I get back on my feet. Two (perhaps three) new adventures, an update to the Crawler's Companion, and a beta release of the Sorcerer's Grimoire are all waiting in the wings. I'm really looking forward to sharing these fun new creations with the wonderful Dungeon Crawl Classics community!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Last Days of 30% Sale

The Too Lazy To Update Prices Sale will run though the weekend. Act now: once I go to the trouble of restoring the regular prices everywhere, it will likely be a good while before we run another sale! :)

Purple Sorcerer Store

New Occupations for 0-Level Party Generator

Added some fun new occupation sources to the 0-Level party generator.

For those about to share the wonders of +Michael Curtis' amazing Chained Coffin milieu, +Pete Schwab compiled the Shudder Mountain occupation list with and without non-humans.

+Noah Stevens also created occupation and unique trade goods lists for his light-hearted/horror/romp Space Dungeon campaign for tomb-raiders, prospectors, and last-ditch wannabes on the burial world of Nebulmor in the far-reaches of the Galactic Funnel.

Have fun, and let me know if you notice any strangeness using the new occupation sources. :)