Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Blog Has Moved...

I'm moving the blog off of Blogspot. I haven't had any problems here, but Blogger has a really poor selection of apps for the iPad (where I create 90% of my posts). The Blogger app from Google is lame, and Blogsy, the strange but workable app I've been using went under this week. (Even Google's Blogger has vanished from the app store in the last few days).

Seeing the handwriting on the wall, I've moved things back to Wordpress, but this time on their servers. I've been quite happy using the Wordpress app for my family blogs, and it's great to have everything back under one roof. So hopefully I'll be posting with just a bit more frequency than my recent lame rate. :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Carnival of the Damned Now Available!

At long, long, long last, I'm thrilled to announce the availability of David Baity's The Carnival of the Damned in both print and PDF!

David has created something special: polished at conventions like Gary Con and Dragon Con, the adventure sports 143 digest-sized pages of clown-filled creepiness that can be used for DCC tournament play, as source material for many standard funnels, or as a massive pool of nightmare encounters that can be unleashed individually on any old-school campaign.

Featuring an awesome Doug Kovacs cover, the adventure is filled with incredible art from Simon Todd, Stan Reed, Danny Prescott, and Todd McGowan. I think you'll love the look.

In addition to the main book, a separate printable appendix is filled with goodies including every pic from the adventure in easily printable form to use as handouts, patron spells, and paper miniatures.

Pick up a copy today from RPGNow, or the Purple Sorcerer Games Store! We truly appreciate your support.