Saturday, August 2, 2014

Argh! And Lamentations!

The database that powers this blog was corrupted somewhere along the way in the past year, only crashing completely when rebooted. Since the server hadn't been rebooted in almost a year, it allowed the corrupted files to be backed up over and over again, and also caused a separate database backup function to fail without error.

My last 'by hand' backup was from almost a year ago... so it appears that I have lost the last 11 months of posts. Egad, I am in shock.

Crawler Data The Crawler database wasn't effected, but the WordPress accounts that let folks access their data were. So if you created an account in the last year, and you are unable to access your Crawler data, you'll need to recreate your account. Then shoot me an email with examples of the adventures/parties you created, and I'll go in by hand and reconnect your updated account with your old data.

Sorry about the troubles. I'm a bit stunned right now as I had multiple methods in place to keep something like this from happening, and every one of them failed. Oh well, onward and upward.

There might by strangeness in a number of places on the site over the next week, as I've had to completely rebuild it from scratch. We'll get it all worked out eventually. Thanks for your patience.


  1. Even on my Wordpress blog I manually back-up each entry in a text editor. It's a pain, but it's the only way I can be sure it's backed up in a separate way from depending on another service, server, etc.

  2. I hear you James. Normally I'm crazed about backing things up... This just slipped through the cracks.
