Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Print Version of Perils of the Sunken City Available!

At long last, the print version of Perils of the Sunken City is available at RPGNow!

(If you've previously purchased the PDF you should receive an email with instructions on how to get the print version at the reduced combo price. If not, just shoot me a message!)


  1. Maybe I just missed it, but I can't find the page count of your modules anywhere on this blog nor on drivethrurpg.

  2. I believe the page count is listed on the far right hand size of the page on drivethrurpg - but for clarity, Perils of the Sunken City is 18 pages long. (And there is lots of free stuff available to download for each adventure.)

    The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk will be 15 printed pages with an 8 page PDF appendix. (And also lots of free stuff available for download through the Purple Sorcerer site.)


  3. Oh yes, you're right! It was right under my nose ;-)
    I'll get the printed version next time I order from DTRPG then.

  4. My print copy of Perils of the Sunken City arrived today! This is truly a nice module, and now I am even more anxious for the next one. :]

  5. Thanks Rick! I'm glad your're enjoying it. I love PDF's but there's something about having a print copy in hand!

    I'm very excited to get The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk out there. It's looking good, and I hope to finish things up in the next few days. :)
