Saturday, July 13, 2013

Quick Poll: How do you view your gaming purchases?

[yop_poll id="6"]


  1. Maybe 'cos I'm old but I only snag PDFs if they are, at most, three or four pages which I'll then print out. When it comes to parting with hard cash it HAS to be a printed edition.

  2. Agree with Tim; normally a few pages I'm happy with a PDF. I used to buy larger PDFs due to cost savings, but I just can't stand reading on a screen anymore; I'm willing to pay a little more for a nice hard-copy.

  3. I think this does demonstrate that the 'love print' folks are super devoted! I think for many the extra expense of printing and shipping is a challenge. (I actually price my print items so that I make less per adventure than from just the PDF to keep the cost down, but still PDFs outsell the print versions 8 to 1.)
