Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Primitives for the O-Level Party Generator

To get everyone prepared for the awesomeness that is DCC #79: Frozen in Time, the 0-level Party Generator can now spit out primitives constructed by Michael Curtis to meet the challenges of the frozen waste! Just select 'Frozen in Time Primitives' in the Occupation Source drop-down. The characters would also work well for any campaign needing a dollop of rampaging neo-cavemen!

(And pre-order the adventure from Goodman Games today, it's a blast!)


  1. Is it possible to see all of the alternative occupation results somewhere, because I've no idea where some of the are from? :p

  2. You mean you'd like to see all the possible results for each of the occupation lists?

    Crazy detail judges... ;)

    I've create a page that lists all the occupations by source. Some are HUGE, like Harley's Punjar list. Repeated occupations are the simple method for increasing an occupations likelihood of coming up.

  3. And the long-term plan is to have a nice page to provide a little flavor for each of the campaigns behind the occupation lists... but time, as always, is the enemy. ;)

  4. Wow these certainly add some flavor or at least kickstart the ole brain into thinking about background story.

    LOL halfling drug dealer

  5. There are some great lists. (And that's how halflings roll in my campaign too...)
