Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Making Excellent Progress...

The additional content for the Sunken City Omnibus is moving along swimmingly. Two more solid days of writing should see things completed! I can't wait to get this thing off to the proofers.

Polishing off the color version of Perils of the Sunken City is taking more time than expected however. Its release was going to kick off the pre-order, but I'm seriously debating whether it's worth the time getting it ready (along with the pre-order) while I'm working to finish the Omnibus and the inaugural Sunken SideTrek. My initial poll gauging interest for the pre-order showed modest interest. So here's your final chance to help me decide. If folks show enough interest for a pre-order in the next few days while I finish things up, I'll make it happen. Otherwise I'll just focus my full attention on writing and getting the major titles out the door. Thanks everyone!

[yop_poll id="9"]


  1. Way to go!

    "I'm happy to just wait 6-8 weeks for the print+digital bundle. Write you fool!"
    Because I'll need to wait for end of the month or next month until I can order it :p

    Remember to advertise this in G+

  2. Also I need M-1 (what does the M in M-series stand for?): Against the Vortex Temple ^^'
