Earlier in the week, after a morning believing I was experiencing an allergic reaction, I suddenly realized the left side of my face was sagging, and I could no longer close my left eye. After eight hours in the hospital, two MRI's and many additional tests, in the main it seems I've been struck with Bell's Palsy, and as a result, the left half of my face is completely paralyzed: I can't close my eye, expressions are strange, and eating and drinking are a grand adventure. :)
There's no way to know how long this will last. For most, the effects fade within a month, but can reoccur occasionally throughout life. The gentleman across the hall from me in the hospital has dealt with his for 71 years. I'm surrounding by a loving family and an understanding employer, and I'm beginning to adjust just fine. But reading and editing and doing work is challenging. (I picked up an eye patch today, which is a huge help, but using touch-devices is now a bit of a hunting and pecking adventure.)
I'm sure I'll get back in the swing of things shortly, but on top of the other physical challenges I'm dealing with, I imagine progress will be slow. Thanks to everyone for your understanding.
Take care,