All Purple Sorcerer Adventures are 25% off through July 30th in both the Purple Sorcerer Store, and at RPGNow!
A host of DCC titles from Goodman Games, Purple Duck, Thick Skulls and more are also on sale at RPGNow.
All Purple Sorcerer Adventures are 25% off through July 30th in both the Purple Sorcerer Store, and at RPGNow!
A host of DCC titles from Goodman Games, Purple Duck, Thick Skulls and more are also on sale at RPGNow.
In in the closing moments of what will surely become known as The Great Kidney Stone Explosion of Mighty Tools 2015, I'm pleased to announce the release of new versions of the Zero and Upper Level Generators with some very cool new features:
Just select from a growing list of tourney styles in the style/format drop-down, and the generator will create 0-level characters in the '1 serf per page' tourney style. I've done some minor graphic work so all the tourney sheets have been touched up with their own individual flair.
Yes, you can now create multiple characters in PDF format with a single click! For weary judges looking to assemble a stack of standard 4-character or tourney sheets, you can create up to 50 character sheets at a time. In testing, I believe these 50 page PDF's are actually easier on the server than creating dozens of individual sheets, and a 50 page sheet is scarcely larger than a solo sheet since the background graphic (the main file-size contributor) is embedded a single time for all the sheets. Give it a whirl!
For example, John Carr requested an occupation list that would start each character with zero beginning funds. Previously this would have involved updating codes in lots of different places, but the recent code streamlining simplifies processes like this considerably. It's also much easier to add new occupation/equipment lists: it's basically as easy as dropping the new files onto the server, so expect a number of new lists in the future! :)
As this Kidney Stone Marathon has gone on, I've been reminded how much I enjoy working on these tools. But it's your support that makes them available to the community, paying for hosting and publishing costs, as well as helping to purchase new devices and tools to both test and develop the utilities.
With no formal pledge drive this year, this will be my final call until 2016: If you feel inclined to support the free tools, any and all donations will be warmly received.
I truly appreciate and thank everyone who has supported, and continues to support, Purple Sorcerer Games!
While battling a kidney stone of late, I've hurt a bit too much to sleep, but have had a clear enough head to get in a little coding. So I whipped up web versions of the Mercurial Magic, Demon, and Dragon generators. My pain is your gain! ;)
So here are the newest web tools:
One final reminder
Even though we raised enough last year that I'm not doing an official fund raiser for 2015, if you feel inclined to continue supporting the free tools, any and all donations will be warmly received. Thanks to everyone who continues to support Purple Sorcerer Games.
If you've tried to contact me in the last stretch without success, I apologize: It's happy fun fun kidney stone time! I deal with small painful stones fairly frequently, but this is shaping up to be a stone of the "please let me die" variety, and outside of writhing in agony I tend to not get much accomplished. ;)
I had a similar stone 4 years ago and it required surgery: we'll find out tomorrow morning after my cat scan if we need to do so again. Until it's resolved things will be quiet in Purple Sorcerer Land. Take care everyone.
Last summer we had a very successful yearly Purple Sorcerer Tools Fundraiser. I can't tell everyone how much I appreciated not having to worry about hosting or app store publishing costs over the last 12 months: my health has impacted the family finances and your kind support truly helped! Thank you.
And despite the challenges, I'm pleased we managed to make some nice progress on the tools front in the last year:
It's so gratifying to see sheets from the tools showing up almost every day in pics from DCC events around the world. The 0-Level party generator is quietly counting up every sheet, and at some point in the not too distant future the one-millionth serf will roll off the line, complete with a special Willy Wonka style golden character sheet. :)
Finally, even though we raised enough last year that I'm not doing an official fund raiser for 2015, if you feel inclined to continue supporting the free tools, any and all donations will be warmly received! Every $350 raised covers an additional year of hosting/store costs, and there's always another development tool/gizmo/subscription to swallow up additional funds. Thanks again to everyone who continues to support Purple Sorcerer Games!
I've updated the Sorcerer's Grimoire with all of the missing spells I could detect, as well as fixed a bug where cover sheets weren't being added to non-random grimoires.
Check it out: we should be close to pulling the beta tag off the thing. ;)
In my pre-arthritis/neuropathy days I usually put in 25-30 hours or so a week working on Purple Sorcerer stuff, spread across the website, adventures, tools, and social media. And I enjoyed every minute of it. Unfortunately, a total of 25-30 hours of solid work in a week is now often a bit of a stretch. ;)
And though my capacity has diminished, my commitments have not. As a result, I've been researching task-management strategies to try and squeeze out as much productivity with the hours/strength I have. My initial evaluation of all outstanding tasks has made it abundantly clear that too many things are stacked up, making it particularly troublesome to deal with emotionally nasty things like the recent blog security problem that popped up out of nowhere. Things I can't effectively manage need to be set aside, so here's my high-altitude view of how things will be changing:
No changes. I'm actually hoping that streamlining other areas will speed up my work here. I've got a nice stream of upcoming titles, and I love publishing new stuff!
I currently have the Purple Sorcerer site, the blog, my Facebook page, my twitter account, a storefront, two store back ends, RPGNow, and my presence on Google+. I'm thinking there just might be something I can streamline in this mix. ;)
The insecure Wordpress blog on my site is gone, moved to Blogger. I'll let you know what else I decide to axe. :)
I don't see many changes here. The generators and Grimoire are easy to update, and I can even do lots of the work from my iPad. I'll probably be a bit slower about adding occupation lists and specialty character sheets, but I've already scheduled time to evaluate what the next tool will be once I'm caught up with all the planned updates for existing tools.
I've made no secret how deeply I loathe publishing to the Apple App Store: it literally gives me heart-burn, and updating the app in 3 different Android stores and on the web is no small endeavor. I've decided that the next update to the Crawler will be the last to add new features. Of course, the app already has more gizmos than I ever envisioned, and I will keep my eyes open and jump into the breach if a future iOS or Android update breaks the app. But as far as new features go, we're reaching the final stop.
Because the user party/encounter system used the old blog as its authentication system, I'm replacing it with a much simpler copy/paste method that doesn't require any outside data storage/access. Maintaining the database is just too big a cloud to have hanging over me at the moment, and the change will in part future-proof the app as a stand alone tool.
I'll continue to be happy to hear everyone's bug reports and ideas about what they'd like to see, but for the foreseeable future my plate is full and most new stuff/requests will have to wait until my current queue is empty.
I wish I had the verve I once had... I really do. I love communicating with everyone, and the interactions I've had wearing my Purple Sorcerer hat have truly eased the burden of this rotten health stretch. But I look forward to moving the crystal ball forward for years to come... only a bit slower and with a slightly more realistic scrying range. ;)
As always, thanks to everyone for your amazing support.