Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tenkar's Tavern S&W Appreciation Day

I'll be doing something for Erik's Sword and Wizardry appreciation day. S&W is a fine OSR system with lots of cross-pollination possibilities with the DCCRPG.

Whatever I do will involve giving away free adventures, so stay tuned. :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Getting things prepped for publication...

...and it looks like I'll be sending links to Lair of the Mist Men tomorrow.

I'm also hip-deep in creating the 3rd Sunken City Adventure: A Gathering of the Marked as well as formatting the hardcover Sunken City Ombibus. (Which largely involves converting Perils of the Sunken City to lovely color.) AND I've begun work on the Dragon/Demon/Sword generators for the next Crawler update.

Folks are beginning to use the adventure and party creating features of the updated Crawler's Companion. If you haven't done so, please explore this cool new feature and let me know how things go! Unlike the apps on your devices, I'm able to refine things as I go with the web stuff, so every bit of feedback is much appreciated, and fixes/updates can be applied immediately!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Lair of the Mist Men

Our first level mini-adventure will (at long last) be going up on RPGNow on Saturday. Prepare yourself for some strange, strange fun. :)

Lair of the Mist Men

Crawler 1.1 on its way to the approval gods...

Version 1.1 of the Crawler's Companion with a boatload of new functionality is on it's way to the various app stores: iTunes, Google Play, Amazon App Store, and the Nook Store. Depending on the store it will likely be a few days to a couple weeks before the new version pops up. (I'm looking at you Apple!)

I've also recreated all the video tutorials at in non-flash formats so you can actually view them from within your mobile device. Imagine that! (But as this was my 3rd go-round recording myself, I can now officially no longer stand the sound of my own voice... consider honoring my pain by watching the videos.)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Crawler's Companion Beta 1.1.3

The beta of the Crawler's Companion version 1.1.3 has gone out to our testers, but you can preview the web version at:

Battle ScreenThis is a major update that allows you to create your own parties and adventures online that you can access from within the Crawler, along with many more new features. Check out a brand new series of quick tutorial videos at:

The new version runs great on all the devices I have to test, so I will be submitting it to the app stores in the very near future unless I'm trapped under an avalanche of nasty beta test report!

(Also, the web version can access party and adventure data you create online, so watch videos 3-5 on the help site, create an account and start building your own parties and adventures! They'll be waiting for you when then the new Crawler hits the app stores.)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Change is a foot... a troll-sized foot of extra creamy server goodness!

We're in the process of moving all of our web resources over to a much more robust web host! Everything should run faster and more reliably, but expect some hi jinx over the next few days as we get all the bugs worked out.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crawling in the Mist

The response to the Crawlers Companion continues to be strong in the App stores - thanks to everyone who has taken the time to rate the app!

My goal is to have version 1.1 wrapped up this week. I'm continuing to pore many hours into getting the 'back end' ready to handle user accounts so you can store and create your adventure/party info online. I've even purchased some more robust hosting to handle things and I'm in the process of migrating sites over. Migration is always a fun task, but I think the improvements in speed and reliability will be well worth it!

My secondary goal is to get Lair of the Mistmen pushed out in the next 7-10 days so that I can apply my full attention to finishing A Gathering of the Marked! Both adventures should be a real blast and I can't wait to share them.

As always, thanks to one and all for your support.