Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk... Almost There...

It's taking a bit longer to polish/integrate all the fun new color artwork into the adventure than I had hoped, (what with all the Kickstarter shenanigans and goings on)  so we're still a handful of days out before it will be available at RPGNow. In the meantime, here are some more images from the adventure: I think (hope) everyone is going to enjoy this one!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crawler's Companion Hardware Starts to Arrive...

I convinced my lovely accountant to let me start getting some testing devices early since we've passed our basic funding goal. The plan is to find the best deals to spread as wide a "device net" as possible: the first two purchases are an iPad 2 and an HTC Amaze Android phone. The iPad testing is likely going to have to wait until the proceeds from the Kickstarter arrive, since the Mac Mini or MacBook will be the biggest expense of this endeavor. But I loaded up the Crawler on the Amaze (after installing the Air runtime) and it runs great! I'll have to put in some more extensive testing, but on first blush it's looking very sweet for this device. :)

I'll be creating a page soon that will list the results from the devices I have to test and reports from the field.  Your kind support has made this possible!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk & Kickstarter Updates

Busy, busy, busy. :)
The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk is shaping up well and should be available at RPGNow by the end of next week. I've decided to go with lovely full color for this one. (Don't worry ink-conscious readers, there will be a simpler b/w version included as well.)

The print version will follow a bit after the PDF launch, but there shouldn't be a month long gap like with Perils of the Sunken City!

The Kickstarter is continuing to exceed expectations. We just passed level two so I'll be adding sword, dragon, and demon random generators to the Crawler! Level three brings a new mini-adventure and a new set of dice. Thanks everyone!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crawler's Companion Bonus Goals

Thanks to everyone's support, we've already exceeded my expectations for the Kickstarter! But with 14 days left, well, you just have to come up with some fun new bonus goals.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Crawler's Companion Kickstarter is Funded!

Crawler's Companion is Funded!Wow, what a day. Thanks to the efforts and support of many, the Crawler's Companion will be arriving on mobile devices in the near future!

I can't thank you all enough for the fantastic support and community spirit that has made this happen.

Now I've got to get some fun stretch goals put together!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Great day for the Crawler's Companion Kickstarter

I added some fun new rewards for the Kickstarter today, and the response has been great! We're motored from 65% all the way past 85%. :)

Thanks everyone!

Print Version of Perils of the Sunken City Available!

At long last, the print version of Perils of the Sunken City is available at RPGNow!

(If you've previously purchased the PDF you should receive an email with instructions on how to get the print version at the reduced combo price. If not, just shoot me a message!)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Crawler's Companion Kickstarter Update

We're over 35% of the way there folks! If current pledge trend continue, we'll need about 50 more backers to get this off the ground. :) I'm keeping my eyes open for additional places to get the word out, and we've had some great links from a number of fine blogs. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to link to the Kickstarter.

I'd also like to point out that if you're a fan of our other utilities, such as the party and character generators, the equipment we'll be purchasing with the proceeds from the Kickstarter will help us test those and future utilities on more platforms/browsers. So even if you don't have a tablet at the moment (though the prices of many Android tablets are falling fast!), you'll still be seeing a benefit from your pledge. (And you'll get some fine adventures and swag, too!)

In the past week we've had more than 20,000 characters created through the Purple Sorcerer site, a significant portion of them from the U.K., France, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Australia and New Zealand. It's thrilling to see excitement for the DCC RPG spread, and I look forward to continuing to create many more tools to help our community grow.

Thanks for your support!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ooze Pits on the Horizon

Wow, the release of "The Ooze Pits of Jonas Gralk," the second Sunken City adventure is only a couple weeks out. I'm very happy with the way its shaping up but now it's a race to the finish!

Here's a sneak peek of the map of the quirky hamlet of Slither's End, where the fun begins... (some might recognize our huge snake friend from the Perils of the Sunken City Mustertown map... but this time he's not just around for decoration!)


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Softcover POD version of Perils of the Sunken City

For all those who have requested the printed version, it IS coming! I've had some back and forth with the printer, and I'm waiting on the final proof. Each round-trip informational journey takes quite a while. :(

On the plus side, this is a learning experience, and we should have the kinks worked out for future releases! (And the cover on the penultimate proof looks SWEET, if I must say. :) )

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Upper Level Character Generator

We've started working on a companion to the 0-level party generator that creates a single higher level character. We're in the very early stages as far as customization and polish goes, but I'm guessing many could find it useful in its current state. Check it out: updates should come early and often!

The Crawler's Companion Kickstarter is Live!

The goal of this Kickstarter is to make the Crawler's Companion (our dice-rolling, rules-referencing, table-crushing DCC RPG utility) available on as many mobile devices as possible, starting with iPads and Android 2.2 and higher tablets. I'm committed to keeping all the Purple Sorcerer DCC utilities free, but this effort will require some equipment/tool purchases - thus the need for the Kickstarter. I've tried to include a number of fun rewards along the way, so you'll get more than just a cool utility and the warm and fuzzy feeling that will come by helping the Dungeon Crawl Classics community expand!

Here's the link to the Crawler's Companion Kickstarter: ... on-for-all

Check it out, tell your friends, lets make this happen.

Thanks to everyone for your support.